Friday, July 10, 2009

Days 26 and 27: Farmington, MO to Bendavis, MO.

Miles those days: 73 and 75.
Total miles: 1646.

The hardest part of the Ozarks are behind us! Lou informs me that the difficult parts are over until we get to the Rockies, but I'm skeptical; his and my ideas of "difficult" don't exactly always match up. At this point I'm just hoping for one solid day of tailwinds in Kansas for a little self esteem boost in the mileage area. Cross your fingers for me, y'all.

Tallied up all the other cyclists we've met up until this point and it came to 41 including the two guys we're traveling with now! 9 of the cyclists were women, and 3 of those were over 50, which is pretty inspiring. I've gotten some extra credit here and there for touring as a female, which I think is kinda cool but almost a little annoying in a way. I guess it's legitimate, because it's pretty apparent that this is tougher for me than for the guys. I'm always the caboose. Oh well. I did have a new high score today: 43.8 mph! I'm pretty sure none of the boys have clocked faster, so at least I've got that going for me I guess.

Funny moment of the day: passed a motorcyclist going the opposite direction who, seeing us, started pumping his legs furiously as if pedaling. We liked it.

Last but not least, I've got a boatload of Missouri-themed postcards to send, so the first 14 of you to post a comment with your address will receive one when I get to a library to read them. Ready... GO!


  1. hey mal, its dave from the cookie lady's house. Good to see you are over your allergies. Its slow rolling hills until after pueblo, then the rockies start. don't be intimidated though, you'll have good legs by then. would love a postard since i forgot to pick any up in virginia beach. Say hi to lou for me. try to relax your upper body on the climbs and get a rythem with your breathing it really helps. Also don't be afraid to take breaks if you need to. no sense running yourself into the ground if you have to do it al over agai tomorrow.
    dave castor
    7704 rainer dr.
    everett, wa 98203
    it doesn't get easier, you just get faster

  2. Hey Mallory, Glad to see your back again on the blog. Missed you and your stories. Glad the allergies are better. My coffee time is now back on track with these two post you did. Tell Lou Hi. Can't wait till you come home. I'm proud of what your doing and I would love to get a post card from you. Keep biking!!! Love Ya,
    Uncle Don
    2307 Laurel Bush Road
    Abingdon, Md 21009

  3. Missed your posts, Mal!I check in every night and enjoy hearing your adventures. Glad you are feeling better. You are doing awesome! Girl Power! I would love a post card. (it is actually the way we had to communicate in the old days before blogs when we traveled!)

    Deanna Park
    47 Curl Drive
    COlumbus, OH 43210

  4. Mal, As always glad to see a new post. I encourage you guys to do as much miles as you can on the flatlands so's you can manage the Rockies and make your goal. I'll be happy to mail another CARE package, just have Lou say where and when! He's already mailed one postcard, but if you have an extra, I'm good with being a recipient (this way you won't have to ask Lou! Haha):
    Steph Eney
    628 Fairway Drive
    Towson, MD 21286
    And BTW, You go girl! Show up those guys.

  5. Mal, You know you have to send a postcard to Mom (and Dad too, I guess)! I'm very glad you are feeling better. I didn't quite hear as much sunshine as usual in the last few posts before you took a break. Happy to have my Mallory back! You're doing an awesome job. Love you, Mom

  6. Hi Mal,
    I love that you are meeting so many interesting people! I had no idea there were so many dogs in Kentucky...
    I was thinking of you on Thursday when I was in Spin class. We were "going up a hill" at the end of the class and I thought I was going to die. The I thought, 'if Mal can bike up the Appalachian mountains, I can make it through an hour of spin class'.
    So proud of you!!
    Send your Canton cousins a postcard;
    1200 S. Conkling St
    Apt 549
    Baltimore MD 21224

  7. Haha! Glad to know I inspired you to get through your workout, Laura. Maybe next summer you can do a 2-month tour with me... You'd burn lots more calories :)

  8. i better get one, being your sister and all, i think you know the address...
    love youu!! <3

  9. Is it too late to get a MO postcard? I don't see 14 replies! ;-)
