Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 5: middle of nowhere to Charlottesville, VA, or, "Oh, the humidity!"

Miles today: 78. Total miles: 365. Avg. speed today: 11.4 (are you seeing a pattern as we get closer to the mountains?)

Hills, heat, and humidity are the words of the day. As I pedaled up one of the nastier hills, I glanced down at my bike's computer displaying 4mph and seriously considered the possibility that that truck who passed me way too closely a few miles back had in fact killed me, and I was now pedaling through hell.

Lunch, a bright spot in the hours of despair, was beautiful and perfect: a tomato, an avocado, strawberries, Greek yogurt, and crackers and green pepper with hummus, enjoyed in the sunshine on a picnic table which are quickly becoming one of my favorite things.

But hey, that long day is over and we're in Charlottesville... in a hotel room WITH A SHOWER! Sorry for the lack of posting last night, loyal fans and concerned family members, but I was just too occupied with removing the layer of grime and getting to sleep in a real bed. Selfish, I know.

1 comment:

  1. Mal, be selfish when you get a chance at a shower and a real bed. Soak up those moments like the blisssful picnic to replay in your head when the going gets rough. Love to you both, Mama Steph
