Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 4 Update: Glendale, VA to the middle of nowhere, kinda close to Coatesville which is not a real town.

Miles today: 64. Total miles: 287. Avg speed today: 12.6 (ugh). Not much more to say other than we stopped at what the map indicated was camping and apparently used to be a general store but now just has a sign in the window saying "Cyclists are welcome to camp on the property". No big deal; property and permission is all we need. Dinner was trail mix, potato chips, and a mini bagel with peanut butter and honey. Primitive camping in the (now pouring) rain tonight, but hey, it's free. I think we'll take as many of these nights as we can get.


  1. Have a great safe time Mal! I have been following and enjoy your accounts. Enjoy!

  2. You guys should take advantage of all that rain to bathe and wash clothes - haha. I know what it's like to camp in the rain. Not the worst thing, but not alot of fun either. I'm sure the clouds will part and the sun will shine :) Take care and keep us posted. Love you.

  3. Loving your post Mal! I read them every morning with a cup of coffee. Keep them coming.
